Kenneth W. “K3” Sturgill
Memorial PJOC/APJOC Scholarship
In memory of their Son, Ken “K3” Sturgill, Lt Cols Tammy and Ken Sturgill would like to sponsor a cadet directly each year to attend the Civil Air Patrol Pararescue & Survival Orientation Course (PJOC) or Advanced Pararescue & Survival Orientation Cource (APJOC). This National Cadet Special Activity is a 7 training day course that introduces CAP cadets to some of the skills and requirements of Pararescuemen (PJ’s), Combat Rescue Officers (CRO’s), and Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape (SERE) Specialists. During PJOC/APJOC cadets gain experience and training in land navigation, survival techniques, rock climbing, rappelling and other various skills used in rescue operations.
This course is also an introduction to the mission of the Guardian Angel Weapon System (GA), a non-aircraft, equipment-based weapon system of the United States Air Force. GA is organized into nine specific capabilities: Prepare, Mission Plan, Insert, Movement, Actions on Objective, Medically Treat, Extract, Reintegrate, and Adapt.
This course promotes teamwork, physical fitness and builds character. PJOC/APJOC is 9 days long, 7 training days with two travel days.
For more information, go to CAP-PJOC

“That Others May Live”
“Return With Honor”